Visit SHINING 3D at Formnext 2023 

Hall 12.1 Booth E21
07.11.2023 – 10.11.2023   //  Frankfurt , Germany

You are invited to the event of the year! 

FORMNEXT 2023 is just around the corner and we can´t wait to re-unite with the whole Additive Manufacturing community in Frankfurt for four whole days! We´re beyond excited and thrilled for the show with so many preparations, specials and surprises going on: you for sure don´t want to miss out! 

✨ NEW Product Presentation: Be among the first to witness our new groundbreaking scanner, that will revolutionize the industry.  

🤝 Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow professionals, thought leaders, and innovators in the industrial sector.  

🍹 Afternoon Refreshments: Enjoy a relaxing afternoon with homemade cocktails, while discussing industry trends and forging valuable connections. 


As in the past years, we have secured a ticket contingent especially for our valued customers, and we want to make sure you get yours, too! Book now as the availability is strictly limited*! 

*After the free ticket contingent has been fully exhausted, we will issue a 50% discount voucher which can be used upon checkout when purchasing the Formnext ticket in the Messe Frankfurt ticket shop.

We look forward to meet you at Formnext 💚!