PrintLab Classroom is an online platform for 3D printing lesson plans, combined with a certified teacher training course. The curriculum is aligned to a range of standards across different subject areas, challenging students to design assistive technologies, reusable packaging prototypes, and more.



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They partnered with SHINING 3D to create a series of lessons for K-12 students that encourage students to use digital tools to present their ideas and collaborate in collaborative groups to use technology.

3D scanning allows students to physically and digitally model abstract concepts. It aids in reverse engineering; objects that lack technical drawings can be deconstructed and understood. Students can create, scan and study a piece of equipment or part. Once scanned, the model can be reshaped or resized in use to fit new requirements, or students can recreate their own version of the structure.

The entire process from 3D scanning to 3D printing is integrated in this guide, which is also designed to cover all aspects of reverse design, 3D modeling and rapid prototyping, helping students to apply 3D tools to real-life scenarios and allowing them to practice creative problem solving.

Or you could get an access to Lesson Plans with EinScan 3D scanners from this list:


Organic Homeware


Make Classroom Objects


Fixing Artefacts


3D Printed Orthoses


Reverse Engineering


Ergonomic Transformations


Make an Ergonomic 3D Printed Pen


Surrealist Sculptures


Digitizing Nature