Dear customers,
Thank you for selecting EinScan Geomagic Essentials Bundle, a powerful solution to start from 3d scan, to data processing & modeling, then bring into CAD environment.
This bundle includes:
1) 1 unit of EinScan 3D scanner
2) Geomagic Essentials
Geomagic Essentials is the essential bridge between 3d scanning and design. Once 3d scan is finished in EinScan 3d scanning software-Exscan Pro, take the 3d scan data to Geomagic essentials, extract the feature you want, and create solid models and complex profiles to your CAD design environment.
Software installation and License code acquisition:
– ExScan Pro software: Find installer in the USB driver in the package to start the installation and obtain activation code. Or go to to download the latest version.
Please follow the steps below to get Geomagic Essentials.
1.Obtain activation code: Submit the information from